
Football Chants & Supporters Culture From The Mouth Of The South

Wednesday, 13 March 2013


#WhitecapsWednesday is a fun concept that was initiated by the Southsiders to get people across BC talking about the Blue & White. The idea is simple: Each Wednesday you tweet photos of your Caps kits and memorabilia with the hashtag #WhitecapsWednesday. Fans are also encouraged to wear their Caps gear to work, as this is a sure fire way to engage friends and coworkers about taking part in the city's best sports experience, bar none.

As some of you know I'm about to become a father, with the stork due to deliver our wee son on May 1st. I've spent a few weekends preparing the baby's room, so this #WhitecapsWednesday I thought I would share the work in progress.

Ok, so we've got the white crib fully assembled, and the walls have been painted a lovely Whitecaps sky blue. Add to that we have the old rocking chair (that was my mom's when I was first born!) and a new set of cushions in Whitecaps deep sea blue. What you don't see here is the old dresser my father in law had as a child, and I've also painted that white to go with the crib.

Something's missing though.... oh yeah!

I guess I need to find somewhere to hang this up, eh? 

If you love the Caps, please spread the word and jump on board with #WhitecapsWednesday. It might seem like a silly endeavour at the surface, but little things like this help grow the supporters community and make what we do mean so much more. Remember that we are in a city where hockey reigns supreme and hogs the spotlight. Wearing your Whitecaps shirt or your supporters scarf to work or even to the grocery store sends a message that we're here and we're damn proud of our team.

We're Blue, We're White

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